We recently bought this pretty green sofa at the local thrift store, and even though it’s extremely comfortable, I still missed the relaxing factor of putting my legs up.
So, I collected some pieces of wood and fabric and started to make this very easy ottoman! It was so much easier to make than I thought it would be and after finishing it, I could use it straight away!;)
And I wouldn’t be much of a craftblogger if I didn’t use the leftover fabric to make matching cushions. I also wasn’t sure on painting the legs or not, I decided not to and keep the home-crafted-look. But maybe I will change my mind about it and paint them after a little while.
DIY: How to make your own simple ottoman:
Wood for the legs | Wooden board for the top | Styrofoam for the top | Knife to cut the foam | Fabric | pencil | Fabric | Screws
Circular Saw (I also used a mitter saw, but it’s not a must) | Drill | Nailgun | Sandpaper
First you should decide the height of your ottoman. (I choose to make it the same height as my sofa,so I could also use it as an extra seat. But you can also make it a bit lower)
1. Decide the height of your legs and mark the measurements. (be aware that the thickness of the styrofoam will also add height!)
2. decide the size of the top and mark the measurements.
3. Saw the legs.
4. Saw the top and sand everything.
5. Place the wooden legs on the top part and mark where you want to attach them.
6. Predrill the holes while holding the toppart on top of the legs (a little help, might be handy here:)
7. Attach the legs onto the top with some screws.
8. **optional: If you want to add some more stability to the ottoman, add some small wooden pieces onto the legs.
9. Place the ottoman upside down onto the styrofoam.
10. Trace the shape of the ottoman unto the styrofoam.
11. Use a knife to cut the styrofoam.
12. Place the fabric wrong side down onto a flat surface. Place the ottoman wrong side down on top of the fabric. Cut the fabric all around, adding the thickness of the foam + 2 cm. Use your nail gun to attach the fabric onto the ottoman, pulling tightly on the fabric.
All done!