I was feeling girly today, and what a better way to spend such a girly afternoon then transforming you’re nails into pieces of art! I used painters tape to help apply the polish on my nails. I have seen this technique on a few other blogs and wanted to try it myself. And it worked great! My hands are not very steady, so this made sure that the stripes looked sleek anyway.

You will need:
3 different colors of nailspolish, I used two shades of pink and a deep red; Painterstape; A big bowl and an alarm clock(or anything to tell the time, but I found the alarm clock very helpful)
1. Fill the bowl with cold water.
2. The bowl of water is to dry you’re nails in. This makes the drying process go faster and you will be able to apply the second layer without having to worry about messing up the first layer. Feel if the water is cold enough, it should be as could as possible.
3. apply the first layer of nail polish. This will be the bottom stripe. After you applied the nail polish put you’re hands in the bowl of water. If the water is tape cold it takes about 5 minutes. If you put ice cubes in it will take about 3 minutes. The nail polish should have hardened in the bowl, so you can early wipe you’re nails dry.
4. Rip small pieces of painters tape and apply them to you’re nail like I did on image 4. Make sure that the bottom part of you’re nail is completely covered
5. Apply the second coat of nail polish on you’re nails and directly take the painters tape of. Put you’re hands in the bowl of water and let the paint get hard. Then apply the painters tape in the same way as before, only this time a little bit higher on the nail. Apply the third layer of nail polish and repeat the process.
After you are done, you can apply a transparent coat of nail polish for extra shine and to seal the layers.
Wauw!! I’m going to try that for sure!!! Good idea
This is really adorable.
greetings TINKS
That’s a fun idea, I might have to try it out.
love it.. ill try this one.. :)
Lana, good morning! Can I use your nail tutorials at my site? I’m from Brazil and I’d love your ideas! Please, write to contato@editorarosarose.com.br Hugs!